Fill out our secure online registration form to save your space in class.
Session fees may be paid in 2 or 3 payments over each 9 or 10 week session. If other arrangements are needed, please call the office. There is also a non-refundable $30.00 annual insurance fee for each class participant or $50 per family. This covers the time period from September 1st to August 30th; this is not prorated for members that start mid-year.
Make up classes are available for the current session only and must be booked through the office prior to the class. Absence or withdrawal from class is not refundable. Adjustments are possible in the event of extended illness, injury or relocation of family. There is a 10% discount for the 2nd child enrolled in class and a 50% discount for each additional family member or class.
Bodysuits are recommended for girls; however shorts and a t-shirt are acceptable. Long hair must be tied back. No shoes on the mats. Jewelry and chewing gum are not permitted.
Please do not allow siblings that are not in the class on the equipment.
We do not necessarily close with the schools. If classes are canceled, we will post a message on our Facebook page, in the announcement banner at the top of our home page, and in the outgoing message on our answering machine at least one hour prior to the class. Make-up classes will be arranged.